Philadelphia: Grandmothers Learning Circle 

Germantown Grandmothers Circle Workshop: Making Positive Change for Philly Schools

Thursday, May 16th, 2024
6:30-8:00pm EDT (GMT-4)


Philadelphia based changemakers! Join us for a workshop to learn tools you can use to make a positive impact in our community. We will explore the unique roles of elders and talk about the ways these roles can help us drive local change in Philly's neighborhood schools and educational institutions. Come work with your fellow elders to create change and discover untapped potential. The community already has the answers.

Germantown Grandmothers Learning Circle

2nd and 4th Wednesday 

2:00 - 3:15pm EDT

Coleman Regional Library 

68 W Chelten Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19144

We're creating a network of learning circles across Philadelphia to help young people succeed in school and in life.

Grandmothers and other elders can provide important support for academic, emotional, and social growth. Join us to connect with others and make lasting solutions together.

Join us every second and fourth Wednesday to share ideas, resources and connect in fellowship to support community initiatives for young people and education in Philadelphia.

Questions? Email Alaina Lynn -